How Can a Rhinoplasty Reduce the Size of My Nose?


The nose is the main focus and center of your face. If the size and projection of your nose are large or pronounced compared to your other features, it can throw off your facial balance. A rhinoplasty procedure can alter the size of the nose by reducing certain aspects of the nose or adjusting its overall size.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure performed on the nose. 

Rhinoplasties address cosmetic and functional concerns; sometimes, they can tackle both at once. 

Regarding cosmetic concerns, rhinoplasty procedures can focus on any of the following:

  • The nasal bridge
  • The tip of the nose
  • The nostrils
  • The overall shape, size, and projection of the nose

When it comes to medical concerns, rhinoplasty surgeries can improve breathing, and one of the most significant problems it can correct is a deviated septum. 

The septum is the internal part of the nose that separates the right and left sides of the nasal cavity. When it becomes deviated, it can cause breathing problems. Your doctor can correct a deviated septum alone or in conjunction with cosmetic fixes. 

If you struggle with aesthetic or functional concerns, a rhinoplasty procedure can benefit your appearance and your health. 

Rhinoplasty Can Alter the Size of the Nose

If you are unhappy with the size or profile of your nose, a reduction rhinoplasty can make it a more appropriate size for your face. Reducing the size of your nose can bring more overall balance to your face.

Reduction rhinoplasties usually involve any of the following focuses:

Adjusting the Nasal Bridge

The nasal bridge is the boney upper part of the nose that runs from between the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. 

When the nasal bridge is big, it can give an overall large appearance to the nose. Nasal bridges also commonly have bumps or humps, making the nose look large in proportion to other facial features.

Adjusting the nasal bridge size can involve breaking this bone to readjust or resize it. Your doctor can also remove excess cartilage around the bridge to make the nose smaller. 

Changing the Nasal Tip

The nasal tip is entirely made of cartilage. Changing the nasal tip can involve either removing some excess cartilage or altering the rotation of the tip. Sometimes, rotating the tip upward can cause the nose to appear shorter and smaller. 

Reducing the Nostrils

The size of the nose can be drastically changed by reducing the width of the nostrils. When the nostrils are not proportionate with the rest of the nose, it can make the nose appear much larger than it is. 

Sometimes, reducing the size of the nostrils is all that is needed to give the nose the right size to complement your face size and shape. 

Is There an Ideal Nose Shape?

Noses, like many other parts of the body, are unique to everyone; therefore, there is no one size or shape that is best. You may covet a famous person’s cute button nose, but that does not necessarily mean their exact nose would compliment your specific face. 

When you come in for your consultation, Dr. Susan Kaweski will take the time to thoroughly examine your face and all its features to give appropriate recommendations.  Also, photos will be taken and a 3D reconstruction of your nose will be made. Then a computer generated result will be made of it, which can be altered to your liking. 

Dr. Susan Kaweski aims to create a nose that enhances your natural beauty. Your surgical plan is created solely based on what would give you the best results.

What to Expect During a Rhinoplasty Procedure

On the day of your surgery, you will be prepped and given anesthesia to promote your comfort throughout the procedure.

The steps of your rhinoplasty surgery depend entirely on your needs and recommendations. Your procedure may either be an open rhinoplasty or a closed rhinoplasty. An open rhinoplasty requires an incision at the base of the nose, while a closed rhinoplasty requires incisions inside the nostrils.

Once your procedure is complete, an external splint and possibly two internal splints are applied to the nose to maintain the new shape and offer protection while you heal. You can expect to wear the splint for about a week or so as your nose begins to recover. 

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Recovery from rhinoplasty is often less troublesome than you may initially believe. You will possibly wear internal and external splints for the first few days of your recovery, as this helps maintain the shape of your new nose. Your nose may be runny, but you can change the gauze under it as often as necessary. 

Sleeping upright and applying a cool compress can help minimize swelling in the days after your surgery. You may need to take a few days off post-surgery to rest but can return to work shortly after the procedure. 

We can provide detailed aftercare instructions to promote healing. 

Allow Dr. Susan Kaweski to Guide You Through the Rhinoplasty Process

If you are interested in altering the size of your nose, a rhinoplasty may be right for you. At the Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery in San Diego, Dr. Susan Kaweski prides herself on helping patients reach their aesthetic goals. Visit our blog to learn more.
